Chinese Dog Names: Discover a Collection of 200+ Unique Choices

Chinese Dog Names: Discover a Collection of 200+ Unique Choices


Choosing a name for your dog is an important part of welcoming them into your family. If you’re seeking a distinctive and culturally rich name for your canine companion, Chinese dog names offer a world of possibilities.

In this article, we’ve curated an extensive list of over 200 Chinese dog names that draw inspiration from the history, culture, and language of China.

This collection showcases unique, meaningful, and beautiful names that will make your furry friend stand out.

Let’s explore this treasure trove of Chinese dog names and find the perfect one for your beloved pet.

Chinese Dog Names for Males:



1. Ming (明) – Means “bright” or “shining.”

2. Tian (天) – Translates to “sky” or “heaven.”

3. Long (龙) – Represents the powerful “dragon.”

4. Wei (伟) – Signifies “great” or “grand.”

5. Kung (功) – Stands for “achievement” or “merit.”

6. Jia (佳) – Means “good” or “fine.”

7. Bao (宝) – Translates to “treasure.”

8. Lei (雷) – Signifies “thunder.”

9. Lian (莲) – Represents the elegant “lotus.”

10. Tai (泰) – Means “peace” or “tranquility.”

11. Chen (晨) – Stands for “morning.”

12. Hua (华) – Translates to “flower” or “splendid.”

13. Ping (平) – Signifies “peaceful.”

14. Xiao (小) – Means “small” or “little.”

15. Zhi (智) – Represents “wisdom.”

16. Fu (福) – Stands for “blessing” or “happiness.”

17. Chang (昌) – Translates to “prosperous.”

18. Guo (国) – Signifies “nation” or “country.”

19. Ren (仁) – Means “kindness” or “benevolence.”

20. Wu (武) – Represents “military” or “martial.”

21. Jie (杰) – Stands for “heroic.”

22. Shen (深) – Translates to “deep” or “profound.”

23. Yao (耀) – Signifies “brilliance.”

24. Jin (金) – Means “gold” or “wealth.”

25. Xing (兴) – Represents “prosperity” or “enthusiasm.”

26. Liang (良) – Stands for “good” or “virtuous.”

27. Rui (睿) – Translates to “wise” or “intelligent.”

28. Dong (东) – Signifies “east.”

29. Wei (伟) – Means “extraordinary” or “remarkable.”

30. Da (大) – Represents “big” or “great.”


Chinese Dog Names for Females:


1. Mei (美) – Translates to “beautiful.”

2. Ling (玲) – Signifies “delicate” or “tinkling.”

3. Hua (花) – Means “flower” or “blossom.”

4. Ying (盈) – Represents “prosperous” or “abundant.”

5. Qing (晴) – Stands for “clear” or “sunny.”

6. Xiu (秀) – Translates to “elegant” or “graceful.”

7. Chun (春) – Signifies “spring.”

8. Lan (兰) – Means “orchid” or “elegant.”

9. Jiao (娇) – Represents “charming” or “lovely.”

10. Xi (喜) – Stands for “joy” or “happiness.”

11. Lian (恋) – Translates to “love.”

12. Mei (梅) – Signifies “plum blossom.”

13. Rong (荣) – Means “glory” or “honor.”

14. Xia (夏) – Represents “summer.”

15. Yu (玉) – Stands for “jade.”

16. Ping (平) – Translates to “peaceful.

17. Feng (凤) – Signifies the mythical “phoenix.”

18. Zhen (珍) – Means “precious” or “treasure.”

19. He (和) – Represents “harmony” or “peace.”

20. Xing (星) – Stands for “star.”

21. Yue (月) – Translates to “moon.”

22. Li (丽) – Signifies “beautiful” or “charming.”

23. Xing (幸) –

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Selecting a Chinese name for your dog is not just about choosing a label; it’s about imbuing your beloved pet with a touch of elegance, culture, and meaning.

From the poetic “Mei” to the powerful “Long,” and the serene “Hua” to the cheerful “Xi,” these Chinese names offer a world of possibilities for celebrating your dog’s unique character and charm.


With over 200 options spanning male and female names, you’ll undoubtedly find the perfect name that resonates with your furry friend.

As you make this choice, remember that the best name is one that brings joy to your heart every time you call it and deepens the connection between you and your loyal companion.

Your dog’s name is a symbol of your bond and a reflection of the love you share.


 (FAQs) related to Chinese dog names:


Q1: Why choose a Chinese name for my dog?


A:Choosing a Chinese name for your dog can be a unique and culturally rich option. It adds a layer of elegance and meaning to your pet’s identity, reflecting your appreciation for Chinese culture.


Q2: Can I choose a Chinese name for any breed of dog?


A: Absolutely! Chinese names can work for any breed of dog, from small to large, and they can suit various personalities.


Q3: Do Chinese names have specific meanings for dogs?


A:Many Chinese names have meanings associated with positive attributes like beauty, strength, or good fortune. You can choose a name based on the qualities you love in your dog.


Q4: How do I ensure my dog recognizes their new Chinese name?


A:Consistency is key. Use your dog’s name consistently during training, and reward them with treats or praise when they respond to it. Over time, they will learn to recognize and respond to their name.


Q5: Can I change my dog’s name to a Chinese one if they already have a name?


A:Yes, you can change your dog’s name if you wish. Use consistent training and positive reinforcement to help them adapt to their new name. Be patient, and your dog will adjust.

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